Here is a general rule: Breaks should be a pleasant experience for the child.
Early in programming, when children are working on basic receptive and expressive language skills and have very limited repertoires of play skills, it generally works best to let kids do whatever they want on break. This includes stimming or just doing nothing. Why not try to encourage appropriate play skills? Because, most kids at this level will perceive these interactions as work, not fun.
The whole point of teaching discretely is to make the learning situation as clear, successful and rewarding as possible. Adding a barrage of verbal requests for relatively complex and subtle play and social skills during break time will sabotage the teaching session, and essentially make “break” time more demanding than the supposed “work” time.
However, it is entirely appropriate for tutors to engage children during break time, if these interactions are educationally or clinically valuable, and areenjoyable for the child.
Here’s a rule of thumb: If a child is less responsive to your instructions and requests during break time than during work time, you aren’t really giving the child much of a break.
In 1987, Ivar Lovaas, at UCLA, published the first study to suggest that children with autism could make significant gains with treatment. A treatment group of nineteen children received 40 hours per week of EIBT (including discrete-trial instruction; aided integration into regular preschools and kindergartens; and structured, supervised play dates with neurotypical peers). Nine of these children (47%) developed IQ’s in the average range and were able to attend regular education classrooms independently. When independently assessed at an average age of 11 years (McEachin, Smith and Lovaas, 1993), eight of these children had maintained their gains, and were no longer diagnosed with any autism-spectrum disorders. This study also included a control group of nineteen children who received only 10 hours per week of behavioral intervention. No children in this group developed average IQ’s, or attended regular education placements.
Dramatic claims about new autism treatments are made every year. However, Lovaas’ results received tremendous attention, in large part because they were from a renowned scientist whose previous two decades of findings had been successfully replicated by other researchers.
In 2005, Glen Sallows and Jane Howard published two of the most significant replications of Lovass’ 1987 findings.
Sallows and his colleagues provided children with 31-38 hours per week of EIBT services. When assessed at age seven, 48% of these children demonstrated IQs’ in the average range, and were attending regular education placements.
Howard and her colleagues compared EIBT to special education programs. Twenty-nine children received EIBT, 16 children attended a 30-hour-per week special education program, and 16 children attended a 15-hour-per-week special education program. Children in the EIBT group demonstrated an average IQ increase of 31 points, while children in the two special education program demonstrated no statistically significant improvements in IQ scores. Despite receiving twice as many hours of intervention, the 30 hour-per-week special education group did no better than the 15-hour-per-week special education group on any measure of treatment outcome.
For further information about these studies, and information about the scientific validity of a broad range of popular autism treatments, visit the Association for Science in Autism Treatment’s web site at:
Lovaas, O. I. (1987). Behavioral treatment and normal educational and intellectual functioning in young autistic children.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55, 3-9.
McEachin, J. J., Smith, T., & Lovaas, O. I. (1993). Long-term outcome for children with autism who received early intensive behavioral interventions.American Journal of Mental Retardation, 97, 359-372.
Sallows, G.O. & Graupner, T.D. (2005). Intensive behavioral treatment for children with autism: four-year outcome and predictors.American Journal on Mental Retardation, 110, 417-38.
Greg Buch is the director of Pacific Autism Learning Services. Dr. Buch entered the field of Early Intensive Behavioral Therapy (EIBT) when it was practiced solely in the research labs of UCLA. Dr. Buch served as Clinic Supervisor and Assistant Clinic Director of the UCLA Clinic for the Behavioral Treatment of Children, under the direction of Autism treatment pioneer Ivar Lovaas.
Over the past 25 years, Dr. Buch has directed intensive early intervention programs, published on intensive behavioral treatment, and consulted nationally and internationally for school districts, treatment facilities and research clinics.